Michael Tscholl, Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor
Research Interests
Embodied Cognition and Learning, Augmented/Mixed Reality Environments, Computational Thinking, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Social Robots
Ph.D., University College London (UK), Cognitive Science
M.Sc., Northwestern University, Computer Science
Prior appointments
University of Cambridge (UK)
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Research Lab CREATE (Cultivating Research for Engaging, Advanced Technology in Education)
Selected Publications
- Tscholl, M., Morphew, J. & Lindgren, R. (2021). Inferences on enacted understanding: using immersive technologies to assess intuitive physical science knowledge, Learning and Information Science , vol. 122 no. 7/8, pp. 503-524.
- Kim, Y. & Tscholl, M. (2021). Young children’s embodied interactions with a social robot. Educational Technology Research and Development , 69, pp. 2059-2081.
- Kim, Y. Butail, S., Tscholl, M., Liu, L. & Wang, Y. (2020). An exploratory approach to measuring collaborative engagement in child robot interaction. In Proceedings of the 10th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK ’20), Frankfurt (D).
- Kim, Y. & Tscholl, M. (2019). The dynamic interaction between engagement, friendship and collaboration in robot child triads. In Advances in Quantitative Ethnography, Egan, B., Misfeldt, M. & Siebert-Evenstone, A. (Eds.), pp. 307-314. New York: Springer.
- Kato, Y., Tscholl, M. & Kunnen, S. (2018). Detecting Patterns of Dynamic Teacher-Learner Interactions in Online Adult Learning through a Dynamic Systems Approach, in Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, London, UK.
- Emara, M., Tscholl, M., Dong, Y., & Biswas, G. (2017). Analyzing Students’ Collaborative Regulation Behaviors in a Classroom-Integrated Open Ended Learning Environment. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Philadelphia, PA. 319-326
- Tscholl, M. & Lindgren, R. (2016). Designing for Learning Conversations: How Parents Support Children’s Science Learning Within an Immersive Simulation. Science Education , vol. 100, issue 5, pp. 877 - 902. DOI: 10.1002/sce.21228
- Lindgren, R., Tscholl, M., Wang, S. & Johnson, E. (2016). Enhancing Learning and Engagement through Embodied Interactions with Mixed Reality Simulations. Computers & Education , 95, pp. 174-187.
- Tscholl, M, Biswas, G., Goldberg B. S, & Sottilare, R. (2016). Detecting Metacognitive Strategies through Performance Analyses in Open-ended Learning Environments, in Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2016), Mumbai, IN.
- Lindgren, R., Tscholl, M., Wang, S. & Johnson, E. (2015). Enhancing Learning and Engagement through Embodied Interactions with Mixed Reality Simulations, in 2015 American Education Research Association Conference (AERA 2015), Chicago, IL.
- Carmichael, P. & Tscholl, M. (2013). Cases, Simulacra and Semantic Technology, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 31-42.
- Martinez-Garcia, A., Morris, S., Tscholl, T., Tracy, F., Carmichael, P (2012), Case Based Learning, Pedagogical Innovation and Semantic Web Technologies, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 104-116.
mtscholl@niu.eduGraham Hall 243